Voucher Entry - Basic Vouchers in Tally


If you create Accounts voucher

In this field you should specify Dr or Cr. Type the letter D or Dr over the existing prompt to change, then select the ledger name from the pop-up list that Tally opens. There may be multiple Debit and Credit entries in one single voucher.

If you create Inventory voucher

If you are creating inventory voucher in Tally you will give information about the stock item you receive or issue and item related details like the Godown/warehouse, Batch Details, Quantity, Rate, Amount etc.

Debit / Credit Amount:

This field appears in Accounts voucher only. Enter the amount of transaction and press Enter key. Tally will update current balance of the ledger and display it. This will happen only if you gave 'Yes' to the question 'Show Ledger Current Balance?' under Accounting Voucher in Vouchers Entry under F12: configure option. The total will appear on the bottom of the Debit and Credit columns. If both credit and Debit totals are not equal Tally will prompt to enter further Credit / Debit to balance the voucher. If both are equal Tally will move the cursor to Narration field.

The Narration field

The last field of Voucher is Narration, here you enter details of the transaction entered in the voucher. It is not mendatory / compulsory to give narration. You can type anything about the transaction or just leave this field blank. You can turn off narration by responding No to the question 'Use Common Narration?' at voucher creation/alteration screen.

Saving the Voucher:

After entering narration, when you press Enter key a confirmation prompt will appear Asking 'Accept Yes/No?'. Press Y or Enter to save the voucher or press N to return cursor to the first entry allows you to alter any data in the voucher. If you give Y Tally will save the voucher and blank screen will appear next to continue voucher entry.

Voucher Types in Tally:

Payment voucher:

The payment voucher is for all payments you make through cash or Bank. These payments can be towards expenses, purchases, to trade creditors, etc. Follow the below procedure to create a payment voucher.

All payment vouchers must have first entry a debit and at least one credit to a Cash or a Bank Account. You can have any number of debit and credit entries. However, if you do not credit one cash or bank account and still try to accept the voucher a message appears asking for a cash or bank account.

If configured, Fund Transfer entries can also be made in payment voucher.

If you have given Yes to 'Print After Saving Voucher?' in Voucher Type creation/Alteration Tally will print the voucher immediately after saving.

Receipt Voucher

The receipt voucher in Tally is for all receipts into the Cash/Bank account. The voucher is similar to the payment voucher except that you debit cash or bank A/cs and credit the ledger from which you receive. The first entry in receipt must be credit and at least one debit to a cash or bank account. There can by any number of debit and credit entries. If you do not debit one Cash or bank account, a message appears asking you to rectify the entry.

If you have given Yes to 'Print After Saving Voucher?' in Voucher Type creation/Alteration Tally will print the voucher immediately after saving.

Alternatively you can print any voucher later by going to Voucher Alteration screen using Display menu. Open the voucher and press Alt-P to display the 'Print Voucher' Screen. Give 'Y' to the Print? Prompt.

Sales Voucher

The first entry must be a debit involving any debtor, bank or cash account and second should be a credit to ledger placed under sales account group. Rest of the accounts may be any Revenue account or any account under the Group current liabilities. Thus you can include Duties&Taxes from 3rd entry onwards.

Purchase voucher

The first entry must be a credit involving any creditor, Cash or Bank account and second entry should be a debit to a ledger placed under purchase account group. Rest of the accounts may be any revenue account or any account under the Group Current Liabilities

Contra Voucher

The contra voucher is for Fund transfers between cash and Bank accounts only. The following is the rule,

For example, If you pay Rs. 10000 cash into State bank Account. Your contra entry should be like this,

Particulars             Debit/credit
Cr. Cash             Credit - 15000
Dr. State bank ac     Debit - 15000

Credit Note:

Credit Note is raised when a buyer reutrns some goods that you sold him. or you give him credit due to rate difference or discount/rebate or when there is an exces debit to any party

Debit Note:

You create a Debit Note when you make purchse return or when you have shortbilled a customer or you are granted credit by your supplier due to rate difference, discount etc.

Memo Voucher

This is purely Non-accounting voucher. These entries will not affect your accounts nor does affect your final results. You can alter and convert a Memo Voucher into a regular voucher when you decide to bring the entry into your books.

You can use memo vouchers to make suspense payments, vouchers not verified at the time of entry, Items given on approval.


Anonymous said...

what is the entry for transfer the amount by cheque from one bank to another?

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