Vouchers in Tally 9

Voucher Types

Tally 9.0 by default provides 18 types of vouchers (Excluding payroll vouchers introduced in this version) for recording different natures of transactions. You can create your own voucher types.

For example you can classify payment vouchers for Traveling Expenses, Advance, and Payment to Creditors against Purchase. Etc. You can easily generate report for Traveling expense alone.

Voucher Class

What is voucher class?

Voucher class permits you to automate accounting allocations during invoice entry. For example, in sales invoicing you can define the nominal ledger account to be credited for each item of sale, so the accounting credits for items sold, Tax, Freight and other charges are posted to the respective ledgers automatically.

For Sales voucher you can create voucher classes for Cash Sales, Credit Sales, and Export Sales etc.

These permits,

  • Automatic posting of entries to predefined ledger accounts
  • Automatic rounding off to preset value limits
  • Automating other calculations

Optional Voucher

Optional Voucher is a temporary voucher that will not reflect in regular accounts. Once the transaction is authorized and completed you can convert the optional voucher into regular voucher. This eliminates the need to maintain manual records before the transaction is complete.

For example in order to issue a payment you have to create a payment voucher and get the signature from appropriate authorities. Once the payment process is completed you have to enter it in Tally as payment voucher. Using optional vouchers you can create temporary payment voucher that is not counted for accounting and after the actual transaction is completed you can convert it to a regular voucher.


Tally Services said...

very simple n well explained.. Thanks a lot....

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