Voucher Entry

Lesson 5 - Voucher Entry Basics

Account Voucher

Voucher is a document containing the details of a transaction. For every transaction, you make a voucher. The voucher entry option at the Gateway enables you to make your day-to-day entries.

Voucher Entry in Tally 9

To make your voucher entries, press V at the Gateway. This brings you the Voucher Creation screen as shown in Figure.

F12: Configure: At any voucher screen, when you press F12: Configure, you get a screen as shown to configure your options.

The options are classified under two sections, namely

Accounting Vouchers, Inventory Vouchers
Now we will discuss accounting vouchers,

Show Cost Centre Details?
If you want to allocate transactions to Cost Centres, set this option to yes which will pop-up a window for cost allocation during Voucher entry.

Show Inventory Details?
If you want to input Inventory Details in Vouchers like Sales or Purchase, set this option to Yes which will pop-up a window for Inventory allocation during voucher entry.

Show Table of Bills details for Selection?
Normally, the list of Outstanding Bills appear when you make any transaction relating to ledger for which Bill by Bill option is set to Yes, and you select Ag Ref, so that you can pick up the Bill you want to adjust. However, if there is long outstanding list it may slow down the pace of voucher entry. To prevent the Outstanding Tables from being popped up during Data Entry, set this option to No, to speed up data entry.

Show Bill-wise Details?
If you want to input Billwise details in Vouchers for the ledgers for whom you have set yes to maintain bill wise details, set this option to Yes which will pop-up a window for Billwise allocation during Voucher entry.

Expand into multiple lines?
In the bill wise details, if you wish to view another line displaying the due date of the bill also, se this option to yes.

Show Balance as on Voucher Date?
If you have set the previous option to Yes, current balance of the ledger as at end-of-period will be displayed. If you turn this option to yes, Current Balances as at voucher date will be shown during Voucher entry, instead of end-of-the period. This is particularly helpful if you enter vouchers of previous date when you want display of balance for the ledger as at the Voucher date instead of end-of-the period.

Use Payment/Receipt as contra?
Normally Fund Transfer transactions are entered in contra Voucher, however, if you prefer to record such transactions in payment / receipt vouchrers, set this option to yes (e.g when you transfer fund through bank draft / DD and pay bank charges, a payment voucher will be more convenient than contra voucher)

A note of caution here. Normally you should make fund transfer entries through contra voucher only, unless you have specific reasons to do otherwise. When you use Receipt or Payment vouchers for fund transfer, stick to a particular voucher type otherwise you may get partial or wrong report when you view for a specific type of voucher.

Allow cash Accounts in Journals?
Norally cash transactions are recorded in Contra, Receipt or Payment Vouchers and such entries are not permitted in Journal Vouchers which are exclusively used for adjustments between Ledgers other than Cash and Bank Accounts. However, if you wish to pass a journal Voucher involving cash / bank Ledger, set this option to Yes.

Use Cr/Dr instead of To/By during Entry?
By default To and By appears during Tally Voucher entry, however if your preference is Cr & Dr, set this option to Yes

Warn on Negative Cash Balance?
During Vouchers entry if you want a warning when cash balance becomes negative, set this option to Yes.

Pre-Allocate Bills for payment?
Normally, you first enter the total amount paid/received and then select the Bills adjusted. By turning this option to Yes, you can first select the bills during Payment Voucher Creation. In such case, while entering a party account in a Payment Voucher, the list of outstanding bills come up to select the bills to be adjusted, simplifying the task of making payments without pre-calculating the total of the bills.

Allow Expenses/Fixed Asset in Purchase Vouchers?
Purchase Vouchers are normally allowed to include Direct Expenses (when this option is set to No). To allow Fixed Assets and Indirect Expenses also, set this option to Yes.

Allow Income Accounts in Sales Vouchers?
Sales Vouchers will be allowed to include Direct / Indirect Incomes by setting this option to Yes.

The voucher Creation Screen

Top portion of voucher Creation window displays the name of the company for which you are creating the voucher (Current company)

Description of items on the voucher screen:

Type of Voucher: Top left corner of the screen displays the selected type of Voucher. To select any other Type of Voucher, press relevant button. Different Types of Vouchers will be explained in detail.

Voucher Number: Just after the Type of Voucher, Number of the Voucher is displayed. If automatic numbering was set for the selected voucher type, it would be generated automatically and cursor would not move to this field. By default automatic voucher numbering is enabled in Tally 9. If manual numbering has been set cursor will move to the voucher number field to input number from keyboard.

Reference: This field appears in all types of vouchers except receipt, payment, journal, Reversing Journal and Memorandum Vouchers. It's a free field where you may input any reference relating to the Voucher. For example, you may enter Order Number, or Invoice number,in Purchase, Delivery challan number in sales voucher.

Date of Voucher: Date of the Voucher is displayed at top right corner of the screen which indicates date of voucher entry. The Current Date at Gateway of Tally is taken by default as date of voucher. To change the date, press F2 on keyboard.

Effective Date: This is the date which is considered for the computation of Due Date /Interest. This field appears if you have set Yes to the option, Use Effective Date for the specific voucher. Date of Voucher and Effective Date may be different. Also to change Effective Date, press F2 button that prompts Effective Date below Current Date.


Dhaval said...

how can i change first dr to cr and cr to dr?

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